Saturday, June 2, 2012

"You Don't Know" Written February 27, 2012

These are the times I wish I could complain,
But you still dont believe me, it's always the same,
I apologised for the lies,
But I still think you just try to accuse me while you say you're on my side.
And so what?! I'm weak,
But I've learned not to say anything until I'm bleeding.
Life is harder than it used to be,
With all the drama, the lies, and the bullying.
You say that the bullying just means that they notice me,
But you're not the victum, you werent even at the scene.
So in my eyes you have no room to speak,
You have no idea what it's like to be me.
You never lived with the disease,
Or the pain or the thought that your life could end when you're not ready to leave.
I'm scared of this world and what it can do to me,
But theres a time where you just gotta come clean.
I've got scar tissue building up from IVs,
Every day I bleed and bleed just to get an accurate reading,
And sometimes you yell at me if I'm forgetful,
Because my lifes on the line so I cant be human.

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